Tag Archives: als disease treatment

Energy Expenditure in Nerve Cells continues to be a Trigger for ALS

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Finding a cure for ALS continues to be a difficult and elusive endeavor. This is understandable since the body is a complex system. Moreover, the degree of difficulty of finding a cure goes up exponentially, when one talks about the body’s nervous system. Nevertheless, advances and findings are coming to light rather quickly and we may be one piece of the puzzle away from a major breakthrough.

One cannot help but notice that within these new findings, certain similar themes that trigger ALS keep coming up. One such theme is the damage caused by the increase in energy expenditure by the nerve cells. A recent study called “Consideration of gravity as a possible etiological factor in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” that appeared in the journal Medical Hypotheses, suggests that nerve fibers that are disposed vertically (essentially oriented vertically) can accumulate too much cell waste. This cell waste accumulation can lead to damage to the nerve cell and even to cell death. The findings suggest that the uneven distribution of nerve cell loss in PALS, can have something to do with the fact that vertically oriented nerve cell bodies (axons) consume about 2% more energy than transverse running axons.

This may not seem like much but over a period of months and years this 2% excessive energy consumption, due to gravity, may cause the accumulation of waste in vertically running axons. This can deteriorate and weaken nerve cells and can lead to the onset of ALS. Other factors such as using your right hand more frequently (if you’re right handed), or excessive exercising, or your diet, or even your emotional wellbeing can all affect the progress of ALS.

Ok, so how do I counter the effects of excessive energy expenditure? I can’t stop my nerve cells from using energy! There’re a few strategies that we can recommend:

  1.  Avoid repetitive movements and try to change your body’s orientation throughout the day. There’s a recurring link between the deterioration of the nerve cells we use most and ALS. Making small adjustments throughout the day may help reduce the energy expenditure of the same nerve cells.
  2. Increase your intake of supplements that help your nerve cells produce energy. We recommend that you look at Simplesa AAKG+ or learn more about the Deanna Protocol.
  3. Increase the intake of supplements for ALS that help eliminate cell waste (such as excess Glutamate) and that help reduce oxidative damage. Try Oxaloacetate from Natural Dynamix Endure DX. Also try Liposomal Glutathione one of the most powerful anti-oxidants available.
  4. Engage in Moderate intensity exercise that is non-exhaustive and specifically designed for patients with ALS. Learn more here Exercise Program for ALS,
  5.  Do what you can to reduce stress and stay in reasonably good emotional balance. There are many natural remedies for ALS. Reduce coffee intake, practice Yoga and meditation, and develop a deeper spiritual life. You can also try natural Hemp Oil remedies. Proponents of Hemp Oil suggest that it may help with feelings of nervousness, anxiety, improved sleep and reduced pain.

The discoveries will continue to come. Each new finding will help our scientists complete this elusive puzzle and get us one step closer to a solution. The cure is out there. In the meantime, we can do what we can to reduce the rate of damage to our nerve cells. We can improve our exercise routine, our supplement intake, and our spiritual world. Choose to live your best life. Stay strong!

Pena, PhD., Ana. “Energy Demands to Counter Gravity in Vertical Neurons May Lie at Origin of ALS”, ALS NEWS TODAY, August 30th, 2019.

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