Category Archives: ALS

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Could a Lack of Nutrients Be The Cause of Neuro-Diseases?

Most of us have asked ourselves… how did we (or a loved one) wind up struggling with a neurological disorder like Parkinsons, ALS or Alzheimer’s?

While there’s no clear single cause identified, we do know that environmental toxins, genetics and even diet play a role in the risk. 

Could Nutrition Help Prevent and Reduce Severity?

Researchers who’ve studied Parkinson’s and ALS agree that nutrient deficiencies play a role. Much like how a car won’t run without gasoline, the body needs certain nutrients (mostly from food) to operate properly. 

Some research suggests that people with Parkinson’s disease (for example) often have certain nutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies in iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D.

These nutrients are important for various functions of the body and brain.

Couple eating healthy foods

Eat Healthy Food? It’s Not Always Enough.

What’s frustrating is that as we age, we absorb and produce far less of the enzymes, nutrients, minerals and vitamins we desperately need! That puts anyone who’s already at risk of disease, or battling one in a tough spot.

Taking a multivitamin that contains these nutrients may help improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or prevent them from getting worse. 

What’s So Great About Nutrients & Vitamins?

They all serve a specific purpose that helps prevent, support or improve a function in the body! Here’s some great examples of nutrients, and what they do:

  • Vitamin B1 helps convert glucose into energy for the brain cells.
  • N-Acetylcysteine is an amino acid that helps the body detox
  • Vitamin B12 helps the body make red blood cells
  • Vitamin B6 is used to maintain the health of nerves
  • Vitamin B7 helps support adrenal function and maintain a healthy nervous system
  • Magnesium Lactate is a mineral that supports the nervous and digestive system
  • Vitamin E protects your cells from oxidative damage
  • α-Lipoic Acid restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C
  • Phosphatidylserine plays an important role in keeping your mind and memory sharp
  • Glutathione is capable of reducing cellular damage
  • L-Carnitine helps brain function and muscle movement

We know that’s a LOT of information to take in, but it also gives a lot of hope!

Just boosting the levels of any number of these daily – in concentrated natural supplements could definitely help!

However, not all multivitamins are equal. Many low quality products on the market use synthetic or low quality ingredients. Some simply don’t provide you with enough of each nutrient or vitamin to see any real benefit.

This powder contains all the nutrients listed above and many more

The National Institute of Health has established a list of nutrients that are strongly recommended for people with neurodegenerative and motor neuron concerns such as ALS, Parkinson’s, PLS, PMA, Kennedy’s Disease, Dystonia, and many others.

Total Health AM & PM Powder Blends are based on the NIH’s standards. They contain 20 different nutrients that are vital for neurological and cellular health.

The AM & PM Blends work by providing your body with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and other compounds that support your brain and nervous system function. They also help protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation that can cause damage and disease.

They are easy to use and mix well with any beverage. They even taste good and no artificial flavors or colors!

An ALS Patient’s Journey With Supplements

In September of 2012, Royce was given a spreadsheet filled with vitamins and supplements recommended for those suffering with ALS.

They were all part of a well known protocol that highlights the benefits of AAKG.

For Royce, the list made sense given he was already taking some of them. So, he decided to give it a try and follow the protocol and see if it made any difference.

While not 100% effective, he says that he’s absolutely certain it made a difference. He started off with a plan to follow it for six straight months. 

At first it was a little hard to follow.

Royce felt the hardest part was getting the needed exercise that the protocol suggested. 

One thing he recommended was taking AAKG with apple juice to improve the taste and to organise the doses with early morning, morning, lunch, afternoon, night and late night.

That’s how our Neuro-Health Protocol is organized on this page.

Royce noticed a difference in energy and symptoms of the disease and recommended that if you can’t afford all the products in the protocol, to start with the AAKG.

He suggests always having an extra bottle on hand.

He also recommends resistance exercises to stay fit and to maintain your muscle mass.

“I feel like I have progressed more slowly since I began following the protocol.” says Royce.

To make life simpler for people just like Royce, we’ve bundled all the most important supplements into one package.

See The Bundles Here

Co-Therapies and Nutritional Supplements for Parkinson’s Disease

vitamins for parkinson's

This year alone, 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The number of cases in the US suffering with PD will be close to 1.0 million patients by 2020. This neurological disorder is second in total number of patients only to Alzheimer’s disease. What’s concerning our physicians the most is that the number of cases seems to be increasing. A report from the Mayo Clinic in March 2019, showed that the incidence of PD has increased significantly in the 30 years between 1976 to 2005 (1).

Neurologists serve in the front lines of the fight against PD, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and Alzheimer’s. Their work load is increasing and sadly, the number of qualified neurologists available to take care of us is not keeping up with the increasing number of cases of these diseases.

The reality of Parkinson’s disease is upon us and the trend tells the full story. We can do nothing… or we can begin to take action now. If you fall into the latter group (and we hope that you do) we’ve got some good news.

Patient education and self-help efforts are increasing. New treatments and local support groups are emerging that help disseminate valuable information to help fight PD. Taking responsibility for your health is THE smartest strategy. Expecting that our health care system will be there for us and take care of us during a chronic disease is not a bet one should take. Take responsibility for your PD.

In the event that you’ve been diagnosed or are currently suffering with PD, what do you do now? Here’re some therapies and co-therapies that will help you fight PD.

  1. Make sure that you’re being treated by your Doctor or Neurologist


    Step one is to make sure that you get yourself the best professional care you can get. You can find a neurologist near you on WebMD.

  2. L-dopa (Levodopa) Supplementation for PD


    This is the go to drug for PD. It helps increase dopamine levels that cause many of the symptoms associated with PD. Although it’s not a cure, it helps keep symptoms under control during the early stages. Remember that L-dopa cannot reduce every PD symptom. Talk to your physician about this therapy.

  3. Nutritional Supplements for Parkinson’s Disease


    The Parkinson’s Foundation lists certain Nutritional Supplements, such as anti-oxidants and vitamins, as possible Over the Counter (OTC) and Complementary Therapies (4). These nutritional supplements for Parkinson’s disease show improvements in the reduction of certain symptoms of the disease. Among the more promising natural remedies for PD are:

    1. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): also known as Ubiquinone, seems to play an important role in Mitochondrial health, the power center of our cells. A more concentrated form of Ubiquinone is Ubiquinol. This powerful neural booster is present in the AAKG+ product from Simplesa Nutrition. This supplement is most helpful in reducing tremors and muscle rigidity.
    2. Vitamins E and C: can fight damage in the brain and neurons caused by free radicals and may even lower the risk of getting PD in the first place. These vitamins are most helpful in reducing damage to your neurons.
    3. Glutathione: is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants available. A better absorbing form of Glutathione is called Liposomal Glutathione. Few supplements have received the level of positive comments from the scientific community that Glutathione has received. This supplement is most helpful in reducing oxidative damage to your organs and nervous system.
    4. Vitamin B-12: also known as Methylcobalamine is an important vitamin in nerve and brain health and may have a significant effect in protecting our memory. Vegetarians often have an acute Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Look for sublingual Liposomal B-12 for best absorption. This supplement is most helpful in helping your higher brain functions and in protecting your memory.
    5. Multi-Vitamin supplements: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has put together a list of recommended nutritional supplements for Parkinson’s for daily use. Most of these vitamins and minerals and in the appropriate dosages for healthy adults are available in Total Health AM. This multi-vitamin and multi-mineral is most helpful in providing the necessary building blocks for a healthy body to help fight disease and repair damage.
  4. Diet and Exercise


    We know we keep hearing about it but Diet (Mediterranean Diet) and Exercise keeps the body healthy, your immune system robust and your renal and endocrine (detoxing) systems humming along. Stay with this winning strategy!

  5. Embrace a Spiritual Life


    If you’re religious, great! If you’re more of a free spirit, that’s ok too. At the very least spend time on the inside. Meditate, pray, breathe deeply, be mindful and be thankful. These simple co-therapies will help you cope with your PD and with the everyday challenges of life. As someone once said, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away…”.

So there you have it. PD will probably change your life but it’s not necessarily a death sentence. If you take responsibility for your PD, the progression will be slower, you will be in control, live a quality life and you will most likely increase the number of moments… that take your breath away.

Stay Strong!

1. Thelen, Gil. “A Parkinson’s ‘pandemic’ is coming and there aren’t enough doctors to deal with it.”, THE MIAMI HERALD, March 25th, 2019.
2. Parkinson’s Foundation, “New Study Shows 1.2 Million People in the United States Estimated to be Living with Parkinson’s Disease by 2030”, PARKINSON.ORG, July 10th 2018.
3. Mayo Clinic. “Parkinson’s disease”, MAYOCLINIC.ORG.
4. Parkinson’s Foundation, “Over the Counter and Complementary Therapies”, PARKINSON.ORG

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Energy Expenditure in Nerve Cells continues to be a Trigger for ALS

blue neurons als treatment

Finding a cure for ALS continues to be a difficult and elusive endeavor. This is understandable since the body is a complex system. Moreover, the degree of difficulty of finding a cure goes up exponentially, when one talks about the body’s nervous system. Nevertheless, advances and findings are coming to light rather quickly and we may be one piece of the puzzle away from a major breakthrough.

One cannot help but notice that within these new findings, certain similar themes that trigger ALS keep coming up. One such theme is the damage caused by the increase in energy expenditure by the nerve cells. A recent study called “Consideration of gravity as a possible etiological factor in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” that appeared in the journal Medical Hypotheses, suggests that nerve fibers that are disposed vertically (essentially oriented vertically) can accumulate too much cell waste. This cell waste accumulation can lead to damage to the nerve cell and even to cell death. The findings suggest that the uneven distribution of nerve cell loss in PALS, can have something to do with the fact that vertically oriented nerve cell bodies (axons) consume about 2% more energy than transverse running axons.

This may not seem like much but over a period of months and years this 2% excessive energy consumption, due to gravity, may cause the accumulation of waste in vertically running axons. This can deteriorate and weaken nerve cells and can lead to the onset of ALS. Other factors such as using your right hand more frequently (if you’re right handed), or excessive exercising, or your diet, or even your emotional wellbeing can all affect the progress of ALS.

Ok, so how do I counter the effects of excessive energy expenditure? I can’t stop my nerve cells from using energy! There’re a few strategies that we can recommend:

  1.  Avoid repetitive movements and try to change your body’s orientation throughout the day. There’s a recurring link between the deterioration of the nerve cells we use most and ALS. Making small adjustments throughout the day may help reduce the energy expenditure of the same nerve cells.
  2. Increase your intake of supplements that help your nerve cells produce energy. We recommend that you look at Simplesa AAKG+ or learn more about the Deanna Protocol.
  3. Increase the intake of supplements for ALS that help eliminate cell waste (such as excess Glutamate) and that help reduce oxidative damage. Try Oxaloacetate from Natural Dynamix Endure DX. Also try Liposomal Glutathione one of the most powerful anti-oxidants available.
  4. Engage in Moderate intensity exercise that is non-exhaustive and specifically designed for patients with ALS. Learn more here Exercise Program for ALS,
  5.  Do what you can to reduce stress and stay in reasonably good emotional balance. There are many natural remedies for ALS. Reduce coffee intake, practice Yoga and meditation, and develop a deeper spiritual life. You can also try natural Hemp Oil remedies. Proponents of Hemp Oil suggest that it may help with feelings of nervousness, anxiety, improved sleep and reduced pain.

The discoveries will continue to come. Each new finding will help our scientists complete this elusive puzzle and get us one step closer to a solution. The cure is out there. In the meantime, we can do what we can to reduce the rate of damage to our nerve cells. We can improve our exercise routine, our supplement intake, and our spiritual world. Choose to live your best life. Stay strong!

Pena, PhD., Ana. “Energy Demands to Counter Gravity in Vertical Neurons May Lie at Origin of ALS”, ALS NEWS TODAY, August 30th, 2019.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Benefits of Moderate-Intensity Exercise now Easier to Achieve than Ever for Patients with ALS (PALS)!

als exercise program

It’s been a controversial subject for years. Can exercise help or could it possibly hurt patients with ALS?

In a 2016 study, a group of patients suffering from ALS was evaluated on a structured home-based program. This structure home-based program, as the name implies, was conducted without the supervision of a physical therapist (Home-EX group) at home. The exercises consisted of muscle stretching, muscle training, and functional training for 6 months. At the end of the 6 months, the patients were evaluated by physical therapists based on ALSFRS-R (ALS Functional Rating Scale–Revised) scores. The Home-EX group was found to have a significantly higher respiratory function sub-score as well as a higher total score on the ALSFRS-R, when compared to the control group.(4)

These promising results and the findings of other similar studies have shown the importance of moderate-intensity exercise as a therapy to help prevent muscle weakness. Along with strengthening muscles, the studies found a variety of other benefits.

Benefits of Moderate-Intensity Exercise for Persons with ALS (1):

  • May facilitate healthy innervation (stimulation through nerves) of neurons and synaptic networks to slow degeneration of neurons, i.e. moderate-intensity exercise may slow progression of weakness in the body.
  • May promote a neuroprotective effect on the muscles.
  • May help to maintain cardiopulmonary efficiency, muscle strength, and endurance without overstressing the muscles or neurological system.
  • Using exercises matched to physical ability may help persons with ALS maintain a high level of function and independence.
  • People with ALS who have participated in an exercise program have experienced longer maintenance of strength, respiratory capacity, and function compared to those that did not participate in an exercise program.
  • No harm from participating in moderate intensity exercise programs have been reported.

Based on these findings and other compelling studies (please see References below), Simplesa Nutrition embarked on a journey to create an exercise program that was effective, easy to follow and readily available to everyone suffering from ALS or other Neurodegenerative diseases. It was clearly evident that many PALS face real challenges when it comes to affordability and accessibility to specialized physical therapists. Therefore, delivering the expertise of a Board Certified specialist in Neurologic physical therapy along with providing basic exercise equipment became an indispensable part of a successful program.

We partnered with Julie Talkington, a Board Certified Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy and together we developed a structured exercise program that was tailored for all stages of ALS, specifically; Early, Middle, and Advanced stages of the disease.

The result of our collaboration is the “Exercise Program for ALS”. The Exercise Program is designed as an at-home, step-by-step exercise guide for those suffering from ALS or other similar neurodegenerative diseases. Each exercise is clearly explained and is easy to follow and include illustrations for the beginning and ending movements. Each exercise is designed to target specific muscle groups in a systematic manner to maintain mobility and avoid overuse of these muscles.

The “Exercise Program for ALS” is a carefully vetted selection of 50+ exercises and stretches designed to strengthen and increase range of motion of specific muscles and muscle groups. The full Program is comprised of a 40 page Manual that comes complete with General Guidelines, easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and illustrations for each exercise, energy Conservation Techniques and even Breathing Techniques. The Program also includes a set of 3 Exercise Rubber bands, of different resistance levels and a small Exercise Ball for hand squeezing and other exercises.

It is our firm belief that PALS can benefit from this program as it provides an additional set of tools to help fight this disease. We invite you to try the program and if you’d like, provide us with welcome feedback. Please click here to learn more.


  1. A Systematic Review of the Effect of Moderate Intensity Exercise on Function and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    Andrew J Lui, Nancy N Byl JNPT Vol 33, June 2009 p68-87
  2. Physical Therapy for a Patient Through Six Stages of Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis
    Vanina Dal Bello-Haas, Anne D Kloos, and Hiroshi Mitsumoto. Phys Ther. 1998: 78; 1312-1324
  3. Effectiveness of Home-Based Exercises Without Supervision by Physical Therapists for Patients with Early-Stage Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Pilot Study
    Kitano, Kosuke et al.
    Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 99, Issue 10, 2114-2117

6 Ways to Help You Manage Your ALS Symptoms

natural remedies for als

Those living with ALS experience a vast and varying degree of complications that accompany the disease. Although there have been extensive advancements with remedies, treatments, and devices, resources are limited and complex. Daily living proves difficult in even the simplest tasks. Yet, not everything must be so difficult. Here’s a list of simple and natural ways to help you with your symptoms and overall wellbeing.

  1. Eat a Nutritional Diet – The most important part of a nutritional diet for PALS is to remove toxins and eliminate the risk of damaging motor neurons by free radicals. Remove all sugars and processed foods1. Next you will need to introduce nutrient-dense and whole foods filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Organic foods like free range chicken, grass-fed beef, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables are examples of quality nutritional foods.
  2. Exercise – To help prevent atrophy, improve mobility, and strengthen muscles, non-exhaustive exercise has shown to be beneficial in patients with ALS. Typical exercise regiments should consist of aerobic exercise, breathing exercises, stretching, and light resistance movements. Also, for those in more advanced stages of ALS, caregiver assisted stretching is beneficial to prevent pressure point sores and contractures. Overall, exercise for ALS may slow progression of motor neuron degradation, help patients maintain a high level of function, and improve respiratory capacity3. It is advised to seek a professionally developed program designed by a licensed physical therapist.
  3. Occupational Therapy – This type of therapy provides rehabilitative care for activities required in daily living to patients recuperating from a physical or mental illness. Difficulties that occur for patients with ALS such as bathing, dressing, swallowing, and walking are fundamentally improved through programs of occupational therapy. Assisted devices, tools, and clothing, which can facilitate mobility and daily activities, are easily accessible. Studies show that people with ALS involved in multidisciplinary programs have longer life spans, due to social involvement and better mental health4.
  4. Supplements – A great way to ensure ALS patients are getting the appropriate vitamins, minerals and nutrients is through supplements for ALS. Avoiding malnutrition and ensuring an adequate dietary intake is a key factor in preventing atrophy, infection, and a weakened immune system5. Antioxidants and detoxifiers are equally important for preventing damage from oxidation and free radicals. Although there are various supplements that are recommended for patients with ALS, some of the more notable ones are Vitamin E and C, Vitamin B-complex, AAKG, GABA, Ubiquinol, Niacin, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, and fish oil1. The best supplements for ALS provide several benefits such as: energy production, detoxification, maintaining bone and muscle mass, improving cellular and mitochondrial function, and more1. You can find many of these supplements at
  5. Emotional Support – The burdens of ALS do not only affect the body, but places a heavy toll on mental and emotional health. The stress of coping with a debilitating disease is difficult to manage. Support from family and caregivers is essential to emotional well-being. For help with managing stress, depression or anxiety it can be very helpful to work with a therapist trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, which emphasizes the importance of underlying thoughts in determining how we feel and act6. There are also various support groups and forums where you can speak to others in similar circumstances.
  6. Sleep and Rest – One of the various struggles in managing ALS is constant exhaustion compounded by the inability to get restful sleep. The lack of sleep can cause another layer of complications to add to the already difficult effects of ALS. To prevent this restless cycle, there are some tips to help you secure better sleep. Some of these activities are: being active during the day, aromatherapy, eating foods that increase serotonin and melatonin, taking magnesium, adhering to a sleep schedule, drinking tea, taking a warm bath, exercise, meditation, reading, and taking soothing natural herbs. Other remedies for trouble sleeping due to pain include muscle rubs using lavender and peppermint oils, massage therapy and acupuncture, Epsom salt baths, and foam roller exercises, with the approval of a physical therapist. New remedies such as Hemp-Oil show promise in soothing and calming patients and getting them in a more restful mindset.

This is not an all-encompassing or complex list of suggestions for help with your ALS systems, but rather a simplified and natural way to tweak your daily routine. Make changes and introduce new habits at a rate that is comfortable for you. These tips can be implemented easily and may have significant improvements on living with ALS. Stay strong!


  1. Levy, Jillian. “Lou Gehrig’s Disease (+ 6 Ways to Help Manage ALS Symptoms).” Dr. Axe Food is Medicine, 1 Feb. 2018,
  2. Tedone M.D., V.M., Tedone-Gage, D., & Tedone, C. The Deanna Protocol Hope for ALS and Other Neurological Conditions. Tampa: Paradies/ Inspire, LLC, 2015. Print.
  3. Andrew J Lui, Nancy N Byl. A Systematic Review of the Effect of Moderate Intensity Exercise on Function and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. JNPT Vol 33, June 2009 p68-87.
  4. Arbesman, Marian; Sheard, Kendra. “Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy–Related Interventions for People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.” AJOT, Jan. 2014,
  5. Rosenfeld, Jeffrey, and Amy Ellis. “Nutrition and Dietary Supplements in Motor Neuron Disease.” Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America 19.3 (2008): 573–x. PMC. Web. 4 Oct. 2018.
  6. Levy, Jillian. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Benefits & Techniques. Dr. Axe Food is Medicine, 30 Apr. 2018,

The Nutritional Supplement approach to ALS!

A natural and cost-effective alternative.

supplements for als

It is widely understood by the ALS community that there are limited solutions for the treatment of this devastating disease. The widely varying progression from patient to patient makes it difficult to standardize the appropriate approach. Not enough information is known and not enough research has been done. Pharmaceutical drugs are costly, cumbersome, and the benefits are often marginal.

An alternative approach to pharmaceuticals (or even an additional approach to pharmaceuticals), is to ensure that the body has the essential supplements for ALS and nutrients that it needs to help protect against the progress of this disease and to also provide much needed energy to the cells. Often, the worst case scenario with supplementation is that nothing perceivable happens, or that there are very mild side-effects from taking these supplements, many of which already occur naturally in the body. The best case scenario, however, can be delayed disease progression, reduced severity of the symptoms, and an overall improved quality of life.

The Deanna Protocol (DP), created by Dr. Vincent Tedone, is one such approach. This Protocol was initially based on Dr. Tedone’s research with his daughter, Deanna, who was diagnosed with ALS nearly 10 years ago. According to Dr. Tedone, the DP works because it provides two primary mechanisms of action. The first, is that it provides the body with the nutritional supplementation it needs and that allows the body to properly metabolize and remove excess glutamate, the leading cause of nerve cell death. The second mechanism, is that the DP provides nerve cells (neurons) with additional energy that help keep the neurons healthy and functioning for longer.

The Deanna Protocol consists primarily of the following naturally occurring supplements:

AAKG and AKG (Arganine Alpha Ketoglutarate)
AKG is the key supplement providing energy to the cells and is required by the body to keep cells alive. The Arganine in AAKG improves the palate of the AKG and makes it easier on the stomach. Arganine also produces the free radical, nitrous oxide (NO). The NO can increase blood flow, which possibly assists in the removal of excess glutamate in the blood stream. Excess glutamate is the cause of cellular death in ALS. Those with preexisting heart conditions should consult with their physician before consuming arginine.

Ubiquinol (CoQ10) helps the energy cycle in mitochondria and is known for its antioxidant properties. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction have been implicated in the pathophysiology of ALS. CoQ10 also promotes energy and overall vitality and helps normalize circulation.

Niacin and 5-hydroxytryptophane are precursors to NADH, which is unable to be absorbed by the GI system. NADH is essential in several of the reactions of the energy cycle and is also important in transporting electrons.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. In patients with ALS, excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters are out of balance, which necessitates the addition of GABA. This balance of neurotransmitters reduces anxiety and rigidity of the muscles.

Glutathione is critically important for detoxification. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s considered one of the most important antioxidants in the healthy functioning of cells. The body uses glutathione to protect against toxins. Cells deficient in glutathione have difficulty defending against toxins in food, pollution, radiation, carcinogens, heavy metals, and drugs.

These supplements for ALS, when combined in the appropriate doses and quantities as provided by Simplesa Nutrition, can detox the body and may improve mobility, reduce pain, increase energy, and a plethora of other health benefits. It’s often up to you, the patient with ALS, in association with your doctor, to determine the best treatment protocol or combination of protocols that works best for you. Consider nutritional supplements as an additional support in your fight against neurodegenerative diseases.

1.    Tedone M.D., V.M., Tedone-Gage, D., & Tedone, C. The Deanna Protocol Hope for ALS and Other Neurological Conditions. Tampa: Paradies/ Inspire, LLC, 2015. Print.
2.    ALS News Today: To ‘B’ or Not to ‘B’?. July 25, 2018 by Rick Jobus
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Medication for Muscle Twitching, Spasticity and Fasciculation Received a Setback

Phase 2 Trial of FLX-787 has stopped, but there is still hope for those suffering from muscle cramps!

About a year ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast track status to Flex Pharma’s treatment for severe muscle cramps in ALS, FLX-787. Flex Pharma has just announced the cease of research and clinical trials of FLX-787.

The Phase 2 trial in the US was evaluating the effectiveness of FLX-787 administered at 30mg three times a day in comparison to placebo. The desired result is an overall reduction in muscle cramps.

Although there were some promising results, there were tolerability issues with the formulation and dosage. Now Flex Pharma is restructuring to lower costs and cutting its workforce by nearly 60 percent. The future is on hold and uncertain with FLX-787.

Other solutions exist. There is still hope to diminish or eliminate some of the musculature symptoms that accompany ALS. The Deanna Protocol by Dr. Vincent Tedone has demonstrated numerous cases of anecdotal evidence that decreases the overall symptoms of spasticity and fasciculation. Not only does it help motor neurons function properly, but has shown promising results in helping the body delay the advancement of the disease by reducing cell death.

In addition, existing ALS clients adhering to the Deanna Protocol, as formulated by Simplesa Nutrition, have reported very good tolerability of the supplements with little to no discomfort or side effects. It would seem that the strategy to help your body heal itself (or at least help it fight a better fight) by providing it with the necessary nutritional supplements is still a worthwhile option.

The moral of the story is to stay in the fight and seek alternative treatments. There are existing and continuously evolving solutions out there to help improve the quality of life of those suffering from ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

1. ALS News Today: Flex Pharma Stops Phase 2 Trial of FLX-787 to Ease Muscle Cramps in ALS Patients. June 15, 2018 by Jose Marques Lopes, PHD
2. ALS News Today: FLX-787, Which Treats ALS-Associated Muscle Cramps, Wins FDA Fast Track Status. July 26, 2017 by Carolina Henriques
3. Tedone M.D., V.M., Tedone-Gage, D., & Tedone, C. The Deanna Protocol Hope for ALS and Other Neurological Conditions. Tampa: Paradies/ Inspire, LLC, 2015. Print.

The Pros and Cons of the new “Right to Try” Law

On May 30th 2018, the President signed the recently passed Right to Try (RTT) legislation into law. This new law allows patients to receive unapproved medications without FDA notification for up to one year. It also removes the FDA from prohibiting access to an experimental therapy and removes the FDA from advising on dosing, schedule, method of administration or other important safety measures. In short, you’re able to side step the FDA and go directly to the drug manufacturer. You’re basically on your own without the oversight of the FDA. So, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) and proceed with caution.

Nevertheless, this opens up the door to new possibilities that were simply not available before.

Here’re some of the Pros and Cons as we see them.


  • Finally, some options. The RTT provides a level of freedom…and hope, that would otherwise be denied patients of terminal diseases.
  • Some of the therapies may prove beneficial and/or point the investigators and drug companies in a better direction.
  • It’s the right of every individual to choose their own destiny.
  • Side stepping Governmental bureaucracy and perhaps accelerating therapies that show promise.
  • Patients can try other drugs, supplements and therapies and report their results to their physicians and drug companies. Now information can flow in more directions.
  • The ALS Association both welcomed and voiced reservations about RTT. The association is aware of and is tracking this new law and will communicate with the ALS community.
  • Since the drugs are experimental and not FDA approved, this MIGHT lower treatment costs, as pharmaceutical companies cannot make a profit on these drugs until they’re FDA approved.
  • Possible access to other treatments and drugs, available outside the US, that have shown promise in other countries.


  • Some medications may not be safe, although they must have passed Phase 1 of clinical trials before patients of RTT can try the drugs.
  • Patients must look out for “bad actors” stepping in now to take advantage of patients vulnerabilities. Check history and reliability of manufacturer.
  • Pharmaceutical companies have very little incentive to provide access or broadly distribute their meds since they cannot make money until the drugs are FDA approved.
  • The RTT law could weaken current patient protection laws enforced by the FDA.
  • The reality is that many experimental drugs have limited access and availability anyway.
  • The RTT law may work as a pressure release valve and may reduce pressure on the FDA to speed up approval of Phase 1, 2 and 3 drugs in the pipeline.
  • Patient has little to no legal safeguards in case therapy produces more harm than good.

All in all, we think that the net effect of the new RTT law will be a positive one. This law opens up the conversation about the FDA’s unjustifiably slow and expensive process and provides the patient with some control over their destiny. That being said, patients need to be careful not to make a bad situation worse and should continue to consult with their physicians before venturing into unexplored territories.


Cannabinoids to Treat ALS?

And OTHER Neurodegenerative Conditions

Let’s be honest, when you hear or read the word Cannabis, Hemp, CBD, Marijuana, what comes to mind? Some people giggle, others cringe, some get offended. Now, there’s an increasing group of ex-sceptics, including reputable researchers, who contemplate and study the POSSIBILITIES.

Understanding how marijuana and the brain’s own natural cannabinoid system works is helping researchers design new medicines.

Cannabinoid expert Daniele Piomelli, PhD, of the University of California in Irvine. Says, “It’s believed that the controlled therapies that come out of this research might provide select benefits to patients while avoiding some of the unwanted effects seen with the drug.”

Research from California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco points to the promise of marijuana-like treatments for those with the fatal brain disorder ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

We all know new treatments for ALS are desperately needed.

ALS wreaks its havoc by harming nerve cells and patients experience progressive muscle weakness that can hinder movement, speech, even swallowing and breathing. The only FDA approved drug for ALS, Riluzole (marketed as Rilutek), extends life on average by about two months,” says Abood. “Evidence from our study suggests that a marijuana-based therapy could create a much greater effect, perhaps extending life by three years or more.”

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In the study, ALS mouse models were given either the marijuana compound THC, the marijuana compound cannabidiol, cannabidiol plus THC, or a placebo daily following the onset of disease signs. The researchers measured disease progression by testing how long the mice could stand on a slowly rotating rod. The more severe their nerve cell degeneration, the less time the mice can balance on the rod. In addition, two conditions of ALS, the loss of movement ability and survival time, were analyzed using a mathematical model.

“We found that treatment with THC delayed disease progression by seven days and extended survival by six days in the mouse model,” says Abood. “This corresponds to three years in human terms.”

Another part of the study determined that the marijuana compounds create their benefits by reducing two molecular processes, known as oxidative stress and glutamate excitotoxicity. These processes have been implicated in ALS and are thought to harm nerve cells.

Other Neurodegenerative conditions

Another animal study also indicates that a marijuana-like compound can protect brain cells from the damage produced by the disorder Parkinson’s disease.

“For the first time, our research shows the neuroprotective value of marijuana-like compounds in a well-established animal model of Parkinson’s disease,” says study author Andrea Giuffrida, PhD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.

As a next step, the researchers are testing whether the marijuana-like compounds have neuroprotective value when brain cell damage is already present and whether they can prevent the progression of brain cell loss. “Learning more about the mechanisms by which marijuana-like compounds may slow down or prevent neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease may translate into new pharmacological treatments that could fight this disorder in its earliest stages,” adds Giuffrida.

If you or a loved one could have a better quality of life through your ALS ordeal, would you say yes to Cannabis?

Sources: Science Daily, ALS News Today, Leafly

20 things to know regarding Pharmaceutical vs. Nutraceutical protocols for ALS!

Radicava® vs Deanna Protocol®

To understand what the differences between Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical are, we should begin with their definitions:



  1. Relating to medicinal drugs, or their preparation, use, or sale.


  1. a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug.



Plural noun: nutraceuticals 

a food containing health-giving additives and having medicinal benefit.

Now, let’s compare the new drug approved by the FDA Radicava® vs The Natural alternative for a better quality of life, the Deanna Protocol®.

  • 10 Things to Know About the New ALS Drug Radicava®
  1. It is a Pharmaceutical drug.
  2. The drug underwent a phase 3 clinical trial in Japan and South Korea where 137 ALS patients were given either Radicava® or a placebo. The group given Radicava® experienced a 33 percent reduction in the decline of their physical abilities compared to the placebo group.
  3. Radicava® works by reducing the oxidative stress in the body. People with ALS have high levels of oxidative stress.
  4. Radicava® is administered via intravenous infusions. Initially, patients have a daily infusion for two weeks and then have two weeks’ rest. After that, they need to have 10 consecutive daily infusions followed by two weeks of rest.
  5. Each infusion takes around an hour to complete.
  6. The dosage of each infusion is 60 mg.
  7. The cost of each Radicava® infusion is about $1,000 and it’s reported that the treatment costs about $146,000 annually.
  8. Radicava® should be available to ALS patients in the U.S. by August.
  9. The most common side effects associated with the drug are headaches, bruising and gait problems.
  10. Radicava® infusion contains sodium bisulfite which is known to cause both mild and severe allergic reactions in some people (particularly those with asthma).
  • 10 Things to Know About the Deanna Protocol®
  1. It is a naturally derived Nutraceutical program.
  2. Developed by Doctor Vincent Tedone, a retired physician (Orthopedic Surgeon), for his daughter Deanna who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 30 in 2007.
  3. The Deanna Protocol® has undergone double blind clinical trials at the University of South Florida in mice models. The Deanna Protocol® has over 1,500 anecdotal case studies from patients with ALS.
  4. The Deanna Protocol® is a blend of nutritional powders and liquids that contain powerful antioxidants and amino acids essential to assist your body in its natural efforts to fight neurodegenerative damage. People suffering from other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, have also reported improvements.
  5. It is taken in the morning, in the afternoon and at night as part of your regular, at home, breakfast, lunch and dinner routine. No need to go to the clinic.
  6. The Protocol is the same for everyone but the dosages might vary, depending on the person and what their specific needs are. The most common side effect is an upset stomach usually reported during the initial days as the body adjusts to the protocol.
  7. The cost of the Deanna Protocol® starts at $219.99 for the Core Bundle #1. The next most inclusive package is the Plus Bundle #1 at $249.99. And our most inclusive bundle is the Comprehensive Bundle #1 at $349.99. Above prices are for a 1 month supply and include easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and an actual human to answer your questions and provide you with the support you need.
  8. Not sure? At Simplesa’s website there’re 330+ reviews with 4.5 stars from verified and satisfied buyers at or call 1-888-578-5528.
  9. Deanna Protocol® has been in the market for almost 4 years. The popularity of the protocol and the positive reports from the clients, speak for themselves.
  10. The freshness of the products used in the Deanna Protocol is guaranteed, these products are naturally derived and are manufactured in a facility that follows strict Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) (Enforced by the FDA) and is UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certified.

 This Blog is for educational purposes. We hope that the above information helps you make the right decisions to address your neuro-degenerative concerns. And as always consult your physician.

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that could benefit from this information.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.



Lunasin and Its Benefits

Lunasin has been getting a lot of press, research and attention for benefiting a variety of health conditions. It is important to understand the science behind Lunasin, and how it can help your body.

Lunasin is natural, and found in soy, barley, and rye.  It is a 43-amino acid polypeptide with poly (L-aspartic acid) sequence at the carboxyl terminus.

Proteins and peptides are fundamental components of cells that carry out important biological functions. Proteins give cells their shape, for example, and they respond to signals transmitted from the extracellular environment. Certain types of peptides play key roles in regulating the activities of other molecules. Structurally, proteins and peptides are very similar, being made up of chains of amino acids that are held together by peptide bonds (also called amide bonds).

So, what distinguishes a peptide from a protein?

The basic distinguishing factors are size and structure. Peptides are smaller than proteins. Traditionally, peptides are defined as molecules that consist of between 2 and 50 amino acids, whereas proteins are made up of 50 or more amino acids. In addition, peptides tend to be less well defined in structure than proteins, which can adopt complex conformations known as secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. [1]

Lunasin is a “bioactive” peptide which means it is a compound that influences living things and their core elements – like tissue and cells. Bioactive compounds have been shown via research and studies to have an influence on health. Areas of Lunasin research have focused on cancer, cholesterol, cardiovascular, inflammation, skin health and anti-aging.  Let’s examine these studies and how the science supports the benefits of Lunasin on your health and well-being.


For over a decade research has shown “Lunasin as a cancer-preventive soy peptide.”[2] Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center indicated that:

Studies in animals suggest that soy can prevent or reduce bone loss. In laboratory studies, iso- flavones slowed down the growth of several different types of cancer cells, including breast and prostate cancers. Animal studies showed that genistein, one of the isoflavones, may interfere with tamoxifen that is used for breast cancer. But a new study showed that soy foods can benefit women with breast cancer. Patients should consult their physicians about use of soy supplements.[3]

Skin Health

In 2017 a study stated that “The soy-derived peptide Lunasin inhibits invasive potential of melanoma initiating cells” and concluded that “Our studies suggest that Lunasin represents a unique anticancer agent that could be developed to help prevent metastasis and patient relapse by reducing the activity of CICs which are known to be resistant to current chemotherapies.”[4]

Cholesterol & Cardiovascular Health

The 2016 study “Identification of Lunasin as the Active Component in Soy Protein Responsible for Reducing LDL Cholesterol and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease” published by American Heart Association, Inc. found that:

Soy protein has an approved FDA health claim for reducing LDL cholesterol and CVD risk but the active component and mechanism of action are unknown. They tested the hypothesis that the lunasin peptide is the active component in soy protein responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Using a lunasin bioactivity assay, we were able to produce a lunasin-enriched soy extract (LSE) containing 100-200-fold more bioactive lunasin than soy protein isolates. To test the in vivo efficacy of LSE, we conducted a food supplementation experiment on five pigs that have high LDL cholesterol due to mutations in their LDL receptor genes. The pigs were fed casein-based diets and after two weeks their casein diet was supplemented with 250 mg LSE every day for eight weeks. Blood draws and lipid panel testing were done at -2w (before casein diet), 0w (2 weeks casein), 4w (4w casein + 250 mg LES) and 8w (8w casein + 250 mg LES). Results showed that casein diet increased LDL cholesterol levels in the LDL-R mutant pigs by an average of 6.7%. The addition of 250 mg of LES in case in diet reduced LDL cholesterol by 8.6% and 6.4% after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment, respectively. These results prove that lunasin is the active nutrient in soy protein responsible for LDL cholesterol lowering and its mechanism of action is by reducing cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver.[5]


Inflammation has an impact on all areas of health and well-being.

Inflammation is part of the host defense mechanism against harmful matters and injury; however, aberrant inflammation is associated to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer. Lunasin is a novel peptide that demonstrates potential anticancer activity against mammalian cancer cell lines and may play a role in inflammation. In conclusion, lunasin and lunasin-like peptides purified from defatted soybean flour inhibited inflammation in LPS-induced.[6]

Although inflammation is linked in the public mind with chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, de Mejia said it also plays a role in the development of cancer. “We know that chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of malignancies, that it’s a critical factor in tumor progression,” she said. “And we can see that daily consumption of lunasin-rich soy protein may help to reduce chronic inflammation.[7]


A study in 2017 examined the relationship between inflammation and obesity. The study was called “Lunasin attenuates obesity-related inflammation in RAW264.7 cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes by inhibiting inflammatory cytokine production”.

This study indicated that lunasin is not only effective against inflammatory response of RAW264.7 macrophages, but also highlights this suppressive property on 3T3-L1 adipocytes, and disrupts the crosstalk between macrophages and adipocytes, particularly by inhibiting secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators, might benefit to ameliorate obesity-induced inflammatory diseases.[8]


Lunasin has been shown to help with anti-aging. Epigenetics shows the relationship of Lunasin to aging. Epigenetics is the study of long-term changes in chromosomes that don’t involve alterations in the genetic code.

But perhaps the most exciting area of aging epigenetics is the recent notion of an epigenetic clock, called Horvath’s clock, after its discoverer. The gist of it is that there is a strong association between the amount of genome-wide methylation and mortality. A lot of the genome is methylated when we are young but methylation is reduced in a constant clock-like way as we age. Methylation, recall, tends to silence genes. With age, it appears, an increasing number of genes that should be silenced are not, rendering us more susceptible to all manner of ailments. From reading the amount of methylation in the epigenome, scientists can predict an individual’s age with impressive accuracy.[9]

If you can utilize Lunasin to regulate or reset epigenetic implications of aging, then some studies believe we can reverse it.  One such study, examined this aspect of utilizing Lunasin for anti-aging. “Histone Modifications and Epigenetic Regulation Could Hold the Key to Reversing Aging” found that:

Results from a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania show that yeast could help advance our progress in extending life in human cells. The team of researchers included Shelley Berger, PhD, professor in Cell & Developmental Biology and Biology & Genetics departments at the Perelman School of Medicine, Weiwei Dang, PhD, assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine and former postdoc fellow at Penn, and Payel Sen, PhD, a current postdoc fellow in Berger’s lab. The study was published in Genes & Development and focused on how a certain epigenetic histone modification could extend yeast’s lifespan.

“Researchers have just started to appreciate how these epigenetic histone modifications may be playing essential roles in determining lifespan,” said Berger. She has conducted studies on epigenetic marks for more than 20 years and was one of the first to identify histone modifications that are altered during aging and directly impact longevity.

Dang explained that their study pinpointed a type of abnormal transcription that is significantly increased in older cells and, if reduced, can lengthen lifespan in yeast. He started the research when he was working in Berger’s lab.

He explained that “this longevity effect is mediated through an evolutionarily conserved chemical modification on histones [and] this is the first demonstration that such a mechanism exists to regulate aging.”

Although measuring aging in yeast is quite different from measuring human aging, Sen noted that using a budding yeast single-cell organism model turned out to be surprisingly powerful in their study of aging and epigenetic regulation.[10]

The research, science and benefits of Lunasin are clearly seen in these and many other scientific studies.




Simplesa LunaCell™ is the most advanced Lunasin supplement on the market today. LunaCell has more than twice the concentration of bioavailable Lunasin than any other product available.  If you understand the science, then the choice is clear – choose LunaCell™!!














Complementary Regimes of Lunasin and Deanna Protocol® for Veterans

VeteVrans Day is an important time to raise awareness of the ongoing health, physical and mental issues encountered by veterans during and after service. Recent studies show that veterans have a 60 percent higher risk of getting ALS than the general population.

“We don’t know what about service could lead to increased risk of the disease in veterans,” said Patrick Wildman, vice president of public policy for the ALS Association. “It could be a variety of factors from head trauma and excessive physical activity to exposures. It also could be a combination of a genetic predisposition with an environmental trigger.” The Mayo Clinic surmises that reasons for the connection “may include exposure to certain metals or chemicals, traumatic injuries, viral infections and intense exertion” but says that “exactly what about military service may trigger the development of ALS is uncertain.”[1]

These statistics are so staggering and alarming that Veterans Affairs has made ALS automatically service connected.

It doesn’t matter in which era the veterans served. From World War II through the Gulf War and even in peacetime, multiple studies show that the rate at which vets develop the condition is still twice as high as non-vets. In fact, the evidence is so convincing the Department of Veterans Affairs has assumed since 2008 that a veteran’s ALS is automatically service-connected.[2]

Finding ways to combat the onset or slow the progression of ALS is critical for patients with ALS (PALS) until a cure is found. Improving the quality of life for all those with ALS is a focus for Simplesa®.  The Deanna Protocol® (DP) is an all-natural metabolic program that works to support mitochondria dysfunction with energy production and counteracting oxidative stress. DP helps improve the quality of life for people with ALS. Patients who consistently follow the plan have reported an improvement in energy production, reduction in muscle twitching and cramping, and improved coordination, balance, and limberness.

Lunasin, a soy peptide that may alter histone acetylation, has been associated with ALS reversal.[3] Lunasin was the first dietary compound with an identified epigenetic mechanism of action. PALS often have elevated levels of free radicals. Lunasin is significant to the ALS population as multiple studies show Lunasin helps reduce free radical production while also scavenging free radicals. Research indicates that veterans with ALS and/or similar neurological issues have damage that is receptive to epigenetic therapies like Lunasin.

Dr. Richard Bedlack, Professor and Director of the ALS Clinic at Duke University, is conducting a study on Lunasin in 50 ALS patients. The study is a first of a kind clinical study that is investigating the efficacy of Lunasin in the support of ALS. It’s the fastest enrollment study ever conducted in their history. The clinical trial is based on Mike McDuff, an ALS patient who showed a remarkable reversal after taking bioactive Lunasin. He gained back his weight, went off his feeding tube and could talk again. Not all people will have the same results, but it greatly improved Mike’s quality of life.[4]



Simplesa® is committed to helping veterans. They have a dedicated customer support staff of veterans to assist with questions about Simplesa’s Lunasin product called LunaCell™ and the Deanna Protocol®.

Simplesa® has always been steadfast to meeting the unmet needs of its consumers, and they quickly saw the benefit to PALS to provide more options with the Deanna Protocol® products and LunaCell™. These two complementary regimes provide additional choices for PALS to help improve their quality of life.

For additional information on available veteran resources contact:







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Deanna Protocol® Program for ALS


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Simplesa® is now offering the Deanna Protocol® and Lunasin to ALS Patients

Simplesa, a nutrition company established in 2013 after the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) community showed its support for a metabolic supplement treatment called the Deanna Protocol (DP), has expanded its products for the Deanna Protocol with the addition of LunaCell™ for consumers.

Patients with ALS (PALS) have been following the Deanna Protocol (DP) since it was first released in 2011. The Deanna Protocol is an all-natural metabolic program developed by Dr. Vincent Tedone, a retired physician whose daughter, Deanna, was diagnosed with ALS. The Deanna Protocol works to support mitochondria dysfunction with energy production and the counteracting oxidative stress. The Deanna Protocol (DP) helps improve the quality of life for people with ALS. Patients who consistently follow the plan have reported an improvement in energy production, reduction in muscle twitching and cramping, and improved coordination, balance, and limberness.

lunacellLunasin first caught the attention of physicians and the ALS community when Mike McDuff, who was diagnosed with ALS, took the nutrient in 2012 and had a remarkable recovery. Therefore, Lunasin, a soy peptide that may alter histone acetylation, has been associated with ALS reversal.[1] Lunasin was the first dietary compound with an identified epigenetic mechanism of action.  PALS often have elevated levels of free radicals. Lunasin is significant to the ALS population as multiple studies show Lunasin helps reduce free radical production while also scavenging free radicals.    Since that time, Lunasin has caught the attention of many trying to cure and/or treat ALS.  Among those interested in Lunasin and ALS is Dr. Richard Bedlack, Director of the ALS Clinic at Duke University. He started the first of its kind study on Lunasin with reporting conducted through a patient network and real-time research platform called Patients Like Me.

As with the Deanna Protocol, Simplesa saw the potential to help PALS with Lunasin.  Simplesa® recently released its Lunasin product, LunaCell™, which consists of a superior bioavailable form of Lunasin and is priced relatively lower than other Lunasin products. This formulation allows patients to take less capsules and quickly absorb more Lunasin into their system.

Feedback from verified consumers of the products has been very positive:

It seems impossible but after two days my dad muscle movement on leg that is useless for more than a year. – Andrej


I only take half of the capsules and it costs half as much as other Lunasin I took. Thank you. – Pedro O.

Simplesa® has always been committed to meeting the unmet needs of its consumers, and they quickly saw the benefit to PALS to provide more options with the Deanna Protocol® products and LunaCell™. This new program is opening doors for additional choices for PALS to try both complimentary regimes and improve their quality of life.


  1. Oxidative Stress and Radivcava:

  1. Oxidative Stress and Lunasin:

  1. Oxidative Stress and Deanna protocol:


The Science Behind Lunasin and Its Benefits

Lunasin has been getting a lot of press, research and attention for benefiting a variety of health conditions. It is important to understand the science behind Lunasin, and how it can help your body.

Lunasin is natural, and found in soy, barley, and rye.  It is a 43-amino acid polypeptide with poly (L-aspartic acid) sequence at the carboxyl terminus.

Proteins and peptides are fundamental components of cells that carry out important biological functions. Proteins give cells their shape, for example, and they respond to signals transmitted from the extracellular environment. Certain types of peptides play key roles in regulating the activities of other molecules. Structurally, proteins and peptides are very similar, being made up of chains of amino acids that are held together by peptide bonds (also called amide bonds).

So, what distinguishes a peptide from a protein?

The basic distinguishing factors are size and structure. Peptides are smaller than proteins. Traditionally, peptides are defined as molecules that consist of between 2 and 50 amino acids, whereas proteins are made up of 50 or more amino acids. In addition, peptides tend to be less well defined in structure than proteins, which can adopt complex conformations known as secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. [1]

Lunasin is a “bioactive” peptide which means it is a compound that influences living things and their core elements – like tissue and cells. Bioactive compounds have been shown via research and studies to have an influence on health. Areas of Lunasin research have focused on cancer, cholesterol, cardiovascular, inflammation, skin health and anti-aging.  Let’s examine these studies and how the science supports the benefits of Lunasin on your health and well-being.


For over a decade research has shown “Lunasin as a cancer-preventive soy peptide.”[2] Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center indicated that:

Studies in animals suggest that soy can prevent or reduce bone loss. In laboratory studies, iso- flavones slowed down the growth of several different types of cancer cells, including breast and prostate cancers. Animal studies showed that genistein, one of the isoflavones, may interfere with tamoxifen that is used for breast cancer. But a new study showed that soy foods can benefit women with breast cancer. Patients should consult their physicians about use of soy supplements.[3]

Skin Health

In 2017 a study stated that “The soy-derived peptide Lunasin inhibits invasive potential of melanoma initiating cells” and concluded that “Our studies suggest that Lunasin represents a unique anticancer agent that could be developed to help prevent metastasis and patient relapse by reducing the activity of CICs which are known to be resistant to current chemotherapies.”[4]

Cholesterol & Cardiovascular Health

The 2016 study “Identification of Lunasin as the Active Component in Soy Protein Responsible for Reducing LDL Cholesterol and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease” published by American Heart Association, Inc. found that:

Soy protein has an approved FDA health claim for reducing LDL cholesterol and CVD risk but the active component and mechanism of action are unknown. They tested the hypothesis that the lunasin peptide is the active component in soy protein responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Using a lunasin bioactivity assay, we were able to produce a lunasin-enriched soy extract (LSE) containing 100-200-fold more bioactive lunasin than soy protein isolates. To test the in vivo efficacy of LSE, we conducted a food supplementation experiment on five pigs that have high LDL cholesterol due to mutations in their LDL receptor genes. The pigs were fed casein-based diets and after two weeks their casein diet was supplemented with 250 mg LSE every day for eight weeks. Blood draws and lipid panel testing were done at -2w (before casein diet), 0w (2 weeks casein), 4w (4w casein + 250 mg LES) and 8w (8w casein + 250 mg LES). Results showed that casein diet increased LDL cholesterol levels in the LDL-R mutant pigs by an average of 6.7%. The addition of 250 mg of LES in case in diet reduced LDL cholesterol by 8.6% and 6.4% after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment, respectively. These results prove that lunasin is the active nutrient in soy protein responsible for LDL cholesterol lowering and its mechanism of action is by reducing cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver.[5]


Inflammation has an impact on all areas of health and well-being.

Inflammation is part of the host defense mechanism against harmful matters and injury; however, aberrant inflammation is associated to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer. Lunasin is a novel peptide that demonstrates potential anticancer activity against mammalian cancer cell lines and may play a role in inflammation. In conclusion, lunasin and lunasin-like peptides purified from defatted soybean flour inhibited inflammation in LPS-induced.[6]

Although inflammation is linked in the public mind with chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, de Mejia said it also plays a role in the development of cancer. “We know that chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of malignancies, that it’s a critical factor in tumor progression,” she said. “And we can see that daily consumption of lunasin-rich soy protein may help to reduce chronic inflammation.[7]


A study in 2017 examined the relationship between inflammation and obesity. The study was called “Lunasin attenuates obesity-related inflammation in RAW264.7 cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes by inhibiting inflammatory cytokine production”.

This study indicated that lunasin is not only effective against inflammatory response of RAW264.7 macrophages, but also highlights this suppressive property on 3T3-L1 adipocytes, and disrupts the crosstalk between macrophages and adipocytes, particularly by inhibiting secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators, might benefit to ameliorate obesity-induced inflammatory diseases.[8]


Lunasin has been shown to help with anti-aging. Epigenetics shows the relationship of Lunasin to aging. Epigenetics is the study of long-term changes in chromosomes that don’t involve alterations in the genetic code.

But perhaps the most exciting area of aging epigenetics is the recent notion of an epigenetic clock, called Horvath’s clock, after its discoverer. The gist of it is that there is a strong association between the amount of genome-wide methylation and mortality. A lot of the genome is methylated when we are young but methylation is reduced in a constant clock-like way as we age. Methylation, recall, tends to silence genes. With age, it appears, an increasing number of genes that should be silenced are not, rendering us more susceptible to all manner of ailments. From reading the amount of methylation in the epigenome, scientists can predict an individual’s age with impressive accuracy.[9]

If you can utilize Lunasin to regulate or reset epigenetic implications of aging, then some studies believe we can reverse it.  One such study, examined this aspect of utilizing Lunasin for anti-aging. “Histone Modifications and Epigenetic Regulation Could Hold the Key to Reversing Aging” found that:

Results from a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania show that yeast could help advance our progress in extending life in human cells. The team of researchers included Shelley Berger, PhD, professor in Cell & Developmental Biology and Biology & Genetics departments at the Perelman School of Medicine, Weiwei Dang, PhD, assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine and former postdoc fellow at Penn, and Payel Sen, PhD, a current postdoc fellow in Berger’s lab. The study was published in Genes & Development and focused on how a certain epigenetic histone modification could extend yeast’s lifespan.

“Researchers have just started to appreciate how these epigenetic histone modifications may be playing essential roles in determining lifespan,” said Berger. She has conducted studies on epigenetic marks for more than 20 years and was one of the first to identify histone modifications that are altered during aging and directly impact longevity.

Dang explained that their study pinpointed a type of abnormal transcription that is significantly increased in older cells and, if reduced, can lengthen lifespan in yeast. He started the research when he was working in Berger’s lab.

He explained that “this longevity effect is mediated through an evolutionarily conserved chemical modification on histones [and] this is the first demonstration that such a mechanism exists to regulate aging.”

Although measuring aging in yeast is quite different from measuring human aging, Sen noted that using a budding yeast single-cell organism model turned out to be surprisingly powerful in their study of aging and epigenetic regulation.[10]

The research, science and benefits of Lunasin are clearly seen in these and many other scientific studies.




Simplesa LunaCell™ is the most advanced Lunasin supplement on the market today. LunaCell has more than twice the concentration of bioavailable Lunasin than any other product available.  If you understand the science, then the choice is clear – choose LunaCell™!!












