All posts by Daniel Deyette

Healthy organic nutritious foods

Could a Lack of Nutrients Be The Cause of Neuro-Diseases?

Most of us have asked ourselves… how did we (or a loved one) wind up struggling with a neurological disorder like Parkinsons, ALS or Alzheimer’s?

While there’s no clear single cause identified, we do know that environmental toxins, genetics and even diet play a role in the risk. 

Could Nutrition Help Prevent and Reduce Severity?

Researchers who’ve studied Parkinson’s and ALS agree that nutrient deficiencies play a role. Much like how a car won’t run without gasoline, the body needs certain nutrients (mostly from food) to operate properly. 

Some research suggests that people with Parkinson’s disease (for example) often have certain nutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies in iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D.

These nutrients are important for various functions of the body and brain.

Couple eating healthy foods

Eat Healthy Food? It’s Not Always Enough.

What’s frustrating is that as we age, we absorb and produce far less of the enzymes, nutrients, minerals and vitamins we desperately need! That puts anyone who’s already at risk of disease, or battling one in a tough spot.

Taking a multivitamin that contains these nutrients may help improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or prevent them from getting worse. 

What’s So Great About Nutrients & Vitamins?

They all serve a specific purpose that helps prevent, support or improve a function in the body! Here’s some great examples of nutrients, and what they do:

  • Vitamin B1 helps convert glucose into energy for the brain cells.
  • N-Acetylcysteine is an amino acid that helps the body detox
  • Vitamin B12 helps the body make red blood cells
  • Vitamin B6 is used to maintain the health of nerves
  • Vitamin B7 helps support adrenal function and maintain a healthy nervous system
  • Magnesium Lactate is a mineral that supports the nervous and digestive system
  • Vitamin E protects your cells from oxidative damage
  • α-Lipoic Acid restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C
  • Phosphatidylserine plays an important role in keeping your mind and memory sharp
  • Glutathione is capable of reducing cellular damage
  • L-Carnitine helps brain function and muscle movement

We know that’s a LOT of information to take in, but it also gives a lot of hope!

Just boosting the levels of any number of these daily – in concentrated natural supplements could definitely help!

However, not all multivitamins are equal. Many low quality products on the market use synthetic or low quality ingredients. Some simply don’t provide you with enough of each nutrient or vitamin to see any real benefit.

This powder contains all the nutrients listed above and many more

The National Institute of Health has established a list of nutrients that are strongly recommended for people with neurodegenerative and motor neuron concerns such as ALS, Parkinson’s, PLS, PMA, Kennedy’s Disease, Dystonia, and many others.

Total Health AM & PM Powder Blends are based on the NIH’s standards. They contain 20 different nutrients that are vital for neurological and cellular health.

The AM & PM Blends work by providing your body with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and other compounds that support your brain and nervous system function. They also help protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation that can cause damage and disease.

They are easy to use and mix well with any beverage. They even taste good and no artificial flavors or colors!

stretching before exercise in a park

Replenishing Your Cellular Battery

Ever heard someone say “I’m too old for that” or “I wish I could borrow that young person’s energy”? Most of us have just automatically assumed that getting older means feeling tired and exhausted. 

The great thing is… Modern science would disagree!

Most of us experience more fatigue and less energy with age.

That’s because of genetic alterations in cells that cause muscles to lose mass and strength. As a result? Strenuous activities are just more tiring.

Even the heart muscles weaken, reducing the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. While even the fittest will not have the energy they had as a child, you certainly can dramatically reduce the decline as we age.

Here’s Some Ways to Boost Energy

  • Stay Active
    Exercise raises your heart rate. Over time, it helps strengthen your heart muscle so it can pump more with less effort.

    For some, this one’s as easy as taking the dog for a walk, doing some gardening or time in a pool. Even some basic stretches, water aerobics or chair yoga can help.

  • Stimulate Muscle Growth
    Supplements like AKG help increase muscle strength and endurance by preventing Muscle protein breakdown. Vitamin D is also helpful for strong bones.

  • Boost Your Metabolism
    Vitamin B3 (Niacin) helps the body naturally burn more fat. It helps process proteins and activates stored energy instead of storing it.

    Surprisingly, the other thing known to help the metabolism as we get older is sleep! One thing you’ll read in some of the testimonials of those who see symptom reduction is sleep quality. It’s just one of the side benefits of fewer symptoms.

That’s why Niacin and AKG are both in the formula on this page.

The formula has ingredients that help with neurodegenerative diseases, kidney function, cardiovascular support, and sustaining the vital neurological pathways that boost energy. 

If you or someone you care about struggles with having the energy to do the things they love… try the AAKG+ Core Protocol.

Nothing replaces quality of life. It’s worth investing in.

They’re worth it, and so are you!

See The Core Protocol On This Page

supplements and foods that help dopamine and brain health

This Helps Protect Dopamine Producing Cells

“The memory of the feeling at that moment is still so vivid,” Sean recalls. “It felt as if the life completely drained out of my right arm from the elbow down.” A month later, he began to notice reduced dexterity in his right hand. Sean initially attributed these feelings to natural causes.

Eventually though, Sean saw a doctor and diagnosed him with Parkinson’s. “As laid in bed, I thought… How did this happen? What did I do wrong? What caused this?”

Normally, brain cells are protected by antioxidants like this one.

Parkinson’s diagnosis is often confirmed by the loss of dopamine-producing neurons within the substantia nigra portion of the brain. This is mostly due to age, genetic factors and environmental toxins that cause oxidative stress.

That stress causes damage to neurons within the brain.

Our glutathione levels tend to decline with age. Some of that is due to chronic inflammation, stress or diet… but there’s lots of possible reasons for it. 

Ultimately, reduced glutathione leads to far more cellular damage. 

It’s one of the causes of problems such as memory loss, mood disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Fortunately, there are ways to increase your glutathione levels and support your brain health. One of them is taking glutathione supplements, which can provide a direct source of this antioxidant to your cells. 

Studies have shown that easily absorbed glutathione supplements can improve cognitive function, reduce oxidative stress markers, and enhance mitochondrial function in older adults.

That’s why we produce this liposomal glutathione.

It’s basically glutathione that has been packaged within a liposome, which is a little pocket of fat cells. This format not only helps preserve the nutrient but also makes it easier to absorb. 

It’s far less invasive than injections, costs less and is easier to take for those who aren’t able to take tablets or supplements.

Woman with depression seen looking out a window

Reduce Depression & Symptoms Naturally

Studies Say 50% of Those With Parkinson’s Experience Depression. 

That statistic probably isn’t a huge surprise. Any neuro-health diagnosis is tough news to take.

What’s interesting is, those diagnosed often experience these symptoms long before any Parkinson’s symptoms show.

That’s because Parkinson’s (and diseases like it) affect chemicals in your brain. These changes may lead to mood disorders like depression, anxiety or lack of motivation.

Depression can also intensify other Parkinson’s symptoms.

Fortunately, there’s a natural supplement that may help. 

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is a natural supplement that has been studied for its potential to help improve the symptoms of depression.

It is a natural derivative of the amino acid tryptophan and scientists believe it increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a role in regulating mood. 

Not only is 5-HTP known to help those suffering with mood disorders, it’s also shown to help reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Studies have also suggested that 5-HTP can increase dopamine levels.

Research has found that 5-HTP may help improve motor function and reduce tremor associated with the neurological condition.

That’s why we carry a specially sourced high quality 5-HTP supplement in our store. 

It’s also available as part of our comprehensive neuro-health bundles on this page.

You’ll find it comes in easy to swallow capsules that have been scientifically formulated for potency and absorption.

Couple traveling and looking at a map together

Here’s Some Travel Essentials For Neuro-Health

As the warmer weather and sunlight approaches the biggest travel season (next to Christmas) begins. Lots of older people and those struggling with neurological issues wonder, should I still travel?

You absolutely should!

Anyone who still has the ability to get out of a bed should do so as often as possible and enjoy this beautiful world. It might take a little extra planning, special accommodations for wheelchairs, elevators and pre-planning shorter duration activities, but quality of life depends on it!

#1. Get plenty of rest

Lack of quality sleep is tied to a long list of illnesses. In fact, it’s one of the early signs of diseases like Parkinson’s.

Our bodies naturally produce a hormone that helps provide a better nights rest. The problem is, people with a neurological disease usually don’t produce enough. Regularly getting extra Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is important as part of a healthy lifestyle.

That’s why it’s included in our AAKG+ Core Protocol

#2. Try to keep the same routine

After arrival at your planned destination, try to keep a similar morning, breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime as you do at home. Take your supplements, medications and foods around similar timeframes. 

It seems obvious, but it’s easy to slip out of routine and face lower energy levels, stress or constipation. Those contribute to making trips memorable for all the wrong reasons.

The dosing guide here helps if you’re using a supplement like AAKG.

Man getting sunlight while sitting on a park bench

#3. Get sunlight or up the Vitamin D

One big benefit of sunlight is that it makes people happier. The body naturally produces more dopamine and Vitamin D while in the sunlight. Vitamin D helps the immune system, strengthens bones and even relieves pain! It’s even known to help sleep quality.

Low Vitamin D is also common for those with neurological conditions, which is why 83% of your daily intake is included in our Optimax Multi-Vitamin.

No matter where you go, who you visit or what sights you see… try to enjoy them to the fullest! 

It’s those precious memories that make life worth living.

An ALS Patient’s Journey With Supplements

In September of 2012, Royce was given a spreadsheet filled with vitamins and supplements recommended for those suffering with ALS.

They were all part of a well known protocol that highlights the benefits of AAKG.

For Royce, the list made sense given he was already taking some of them. So, he decided to give it a try and follow the protocol and see if it made any difference.

While not 100% effective, he says that he’s absolutely certain it made a difference. He started off with a plan to follow it for six straight months. 

At first it was a little hard to follow.

Royce felt the hardest part was getting the needed exercise that the protocol suggested. 

One thing he recommended was taking AAKG with apple juice to improve the taste and to organise the doses with early morning, morning, lunch, afternoon, night and late night.

That’s how our Neuro-Health Protocol is organized on this page.

Royce noticed a difference in energy and symptoms of the disease and recommended that if you can’t afford all the products in the protocol, to start with the AAKG.

He suggests always having an extra bottle on hand.

He also recommends resistance exercises to stay fit and to maintain your muscle mass.

“I feel like I have progressed more slowly since I began following the protocol.” says Royce.

To make life simpler for people just like Royce, we’ve bundled all the most important supplements into one package.

See The Bundles Here

Some Medications Deplete This Vitamin

Yet, this vitamin is also a core marker used by doctors to help diagnose neurodegenerative diseases.

It’s also known to be a contributor to depression, sleep problems, cognitive decline and even heart disease… Yet 20% of those over 65 experience some level of depleted Vitamin B9.

Many programs have been put in place to add extra folate and folic acid to foods, but not all of it is easily absorbed. That’s why a special type called Quatrefolic was created.

Did you know that a lack of folic acid is a core marker for neurodegenerative diseases?

Both Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) and Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) are incredibly important to the bodies homocysteine levels which help protect against circulation problems. 

People with low levels of these vitamins have more tingling in their hands, feet, arms and legs. They get more canker sores in their mouth, headaches and dizziness.

It’s also a big contributor to high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels and poor blood sugar levels. 

Either way, the good news is… it’s not hard to add these important vitamins to your diet.

You probably already get enough Vitamin B12 by eating meat, fish or dairy products, but Vitamin B9 is a little tougher, since not all of it is readily available to the body.

That’s why our Opti-Max Multivitamin includes Quatrefolic®. It’s a specially designed folic acid (B9) that’s more effective than the types found in food. 

We feel it’s also more convenient to take alongside all the other well-researched vitamins known to help reduce the symptoms of aging and neurological disorders.

See More Information About It Here

Does this Indian spice combat inflammation?

Why This Spice is Controversial Among Some Researchers

There’s a lot of argument these days about the key ingredient in curry. It’s what gives the dish its yellow colour and many studies have shown its potential to reduce inflammation, help the immune system, fight free radicals and help slow disease.

Uncontrolled Inflammation is a big problem as we get older. Most modern doctors believe that low-level inflammation actually plays a key role in the progression of metabolic, heart (1), Alzheimer’s, and neurological diseases.

Yet not everyone agrees the spice deserves all its praise.

While it’s been in use for thousands of years in India, China, Taiwan and Indonesia, much of the benefits claimed by health experts over the years have been hard to prove. 

Some studies saw incredible results in a short period of time, and others saw fewer results. Curious why some didn’t see a difference right away? There’s a really good reason.

That’s because on its own, it doesn’t absorb well in the body. 

It helps to consume it with black pepper (like BioPerine) a natural substance shown to enhance its absorption by 2,000% (2) and take enough to see a difference.

The other challenge is, while it’s commonly found in many foods, you’d have to eat a lot of them to see benefits (3). Still, a trusted old spice like Tumeric is safe and convenient, when taken as a supplement.

Turmeric is actually part of the ginger root family, and ginger is also known to have long-term anti-inflammatory benefits. 

That’s why when our team of scientists, doctors and care-givers discussed making a better Tumeric based supplement, we included these:

  • Turmeric Root Extract – a highly concentrated version of the active ingredient Curcumin.
  • BioPerine – to help boost the absorption of Tumeric itself
  • Ginger Root Extract – to help protect the brain, gut and support healthy inflammatory levels.

Together they help give the best possible natural anti-inflammatory mix for potency, quality and absorption. 

You can see our unique Tumeric Blend here. 

Modern sports teams, arthritis sufferers and many others take it regularly. They trust that it’ll help provide all natural relief without as many side effects as you might expect from non-natural or chemical alternatives.




Neuro-Health Protocol: Why Some Don’t Get Results

Caring for someone who’s managing a neurological condition is a difficult road. Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing all the right things and still not seeing a change in their symptoms.

While everyone’s body, genetics and situation are different, we wanted to take a moment and cover some of the aspects of Neuro-Health Protocol.

#1. Consistency

Taking the protocol on a consistent schedule helps ensure a consistent supply of the amino acids, nutrients and minerals that help relieve symptoms. That’s why our system is broken up into a morning, afternoon and evening dosage plan.

#2. Dosage

The amount of each supplement needed is different for everyone. Some are only moderately deficient of the amino acids and nutrients and will need less. You can increase the dosage of AAKG daily by two grams per day every day to a maximum level of 18 grams.

Our protocol for following the recommended dose schedule is on this page.

#3. Activity

It’s a good idea to encourage exercise to help stimulate and maintain the muscles. It’s not a good idea for those on the protocol to overdo it though… Even light resistance exercises and stretches are beneficial.

#4. Diet

Some research shows a mediterranean diet can boost energy and help deal with symptoms of neuro-health disorders. The main thing is to avoid foods high in saturated fats, processed foods or those high in sugar. It’s also best to avoid large amounts of alcohol or foods that require a lot of chewing energy.

#5. Supplements

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has put together a list of recommended nutritional supplements for Parkinson’s (and similar neuro-health diseases) for daily use. Most of these vitamins and minerals and in the appropriate dosages for healthy adults are available in Total Health AM

While none of these are a cure, they’re often enough to help slow the progression and put you back in control.

The best thing we can do is increase the number of amazing memories and moments with our loved ones and increase quality of life.

See Our Recommended Vitamin Supplement Here

Quality Sleep Is Important

One specific hormone makes a big difference.

Did you know an estimated 1 in 3 adults struggle with sleep? Studies show the average person is now getting two hours less than the previous generation did.

Lack of quality sleep is tied to a long list of illnesses. In fact, it’s one of the early signs of diseases like Parkinson’s.

While everyone’s different, there’s a few possible reasons why. 

It could be that a reduced dopamine level can significantly impact the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. For others, it can be impacted by sleep apnea, restless legs or frequent nighttime urination. 

Our bodies naturally produce a hormone that helps calm the nervous system, relieve stress and help provide a better nights rest. The problem is, people diagnosed with a neurological disease usually don’t produce enough.

A lack of this hormone is also shown to be a contributing factor to headaches, heartburn, mood swings, digestive problems, high blood pressure and so much more.

That’s why it’s included in our AAKG+ Core Protocol

We feel regularly getting extra Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is important as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Normally, you’d be able to boost production of this hormone with fermented foods. The problem is, you’d have to eat a lot of it.

That’s why the Core Protocol is so convenient.

It’s just one scoop, three times a day.

See The Core Blend Here

Can This Flu Fighter Slow Memory Loss Too?

Do We Have Anything More Precious Than Our Memories?

It’s a deep thought, but if you think about it, the precious memories of some of the most emotionally impactful moments of our lives are probably the most valuable thing we have in this life.

Being able to remember your wedding day, or even the first date. Recalling when your children were little, or those special christmases when they’re young and impressionable. If you lose almost everything else, those are what really matters.

If you’ve ever had the gift of spending time with someone who’s starting to see some memory loss, know how incredibly tough that can be.

One of the supplements on our website (Black Elderberry) is well known in the science community as an immunity helper, inflammation fighter and even an antioxidant. Some studies in a clinical trial showed that taking it shaved four days off the average FLU virus in people over 50, for example.(1)

BUT… Studies also show it helps improve memory function!

Some with ALS, Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders often demonstrate symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s, dementia and other memory loss disorders later in life.

The cause of these neurological disorders is unknown but, one thing we do know is they’re all caused by the amyloid plaques that collect between neurons and disrupt cell function. (2)

Could This “Flu Fighter” Help?

What’s exciting is that Black Elderberry was tested in animals with amyloid plaque build up, and their memory improved despite having Alzheimer-like symptoms. (3)

That study is fairly recent (2022) but… we know that the flavonoids in elderberries and elderflowers include quercetin, and are recognized for their ability to protect cells.

So, whether you’re looking for something that helps boost the immune system or something that could help with cognitive function and support the brain naturally, Black Elderberry is a great option.

See Our Concentrated Black Elderberry Here


Why Many Doctors Are Still DiscoveringThe Incredible Benefits of AKG and AAKG

In the 17th century, Captains sailed from port to port trying to outrun Scurvy. The British Navy alone lost 133,000 sailors to it. It wasn’t until the 1960’s when clinical trials clearly demonstrated it was curable by access to fresh fruit or Vitamin C.

Modern antibiotics were available in ancient Egypt, but modern doctors didn’t discover and administer them until the 1950’s. 

L-arginine, AAKG and AKG like this one are still ‘new’

When you consider how fast scientific research is funded, conducted and released to the public, these supplements are a very recent discovery.

The unfortunate thing is… not every substance and application that deserves testing and study is actually funded each year. 

The big question is… Should you trust that AKG could actually help?

Our bodies already produce high levels of Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG)… but after age 40, levels of AKG drop dramatically. Everyone’s body needs it, but it would be unrealistic to eat enough of the foods that could replace it.

AKG is responsible for at least 600 enzymatic reactions in our body. For instance, AKG is the primary enzyme group we use to make glutathione for our red blood cells.

New studies proving its benefits are released all the time. 

Here’s just some of them:

  • Alpha-ketoglutarate increases life span, reduces frailty and reduces inflammation in middle-aged mice (1)
  • AKG has been shown to have a protective effect against osteoporosis (2)
  • Dietary AKG may improve protein metabolism and synthesis in older adults (3)
  • When combined with Vitamin B, AKG may be essential in long-term nerve strength, memory, and neurotransmission (4,5)
  • In mice, AKG inhibited liver disease progression (5)
  • AKG has been shown to improve kidney function in patients with chronic renal failure (5)
  • Topical AKG reduces skin wrinkle formation by increasing collagen production (6)
  • AKG prevents skeletal muscle degradation and muscle atrophy (7)
  • AKG can prevent the brain from oxidative damage by increasing neuronal concentrations of antioxidative enzymes (8)

There’s no doubt that Alpha-Ketoglutarate has a lot of potential benefits… but the real question is… 

Does it matter where you buy it?

We think it does. You don’t always know where or how some brands source their ingredients. We’ve fought hard to find the most pure, easily absorbed and naturally sourced ingredients produced right here in the USA. 

Potency is important. That’s why you may not need as much of our AKG supplement as other brands.

You’ll also notice our AAKG+ Core Blend includes Vitamin B (niacin) which helps nerve strength as mentioned above. It also includes an easily absorbed CoQ10 supplement for brain & muscle health. 

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a brain, neurological or age-related condition, it’s worth trying a month’s supply (one container with 90 servings).

See our high potency AAKG+ Core Blend on this page.

Our AAKG+ formula has helped hundreds of ALS patients get results since 2014.

It’s also received over 590, 4.5+ Star Reviews from our customers!

There’s no better investment than health and quality of life.


Antioxidant Helps Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms and Boost Tissue Repair

Most of us produce less Glutathione as we age. Studies show those with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s produce even less than the average person.

It’s one of the most effective antioxidants available.

Our cells naturally produce free radicals as part of their metabolic process, but that’s amplified when exposed to toxins like x-rays, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants.

Free radicals are the largest source of electron damage in nerve cells.

Here’s an interesting number… A healthy body creates over 32 sextillion free radicals per day! When we age, our bodies slow down the creation of enzymes that break down free radicals. 

This daily build up of free radicals is one of several factors that lead to the neuron damage thought to play an important role in the progression of Parkinsons. (1)

Glutathione is one of the main antioxidants that slow down the process of cellular damage, although most won’t see benefit in taking it orally. That’s because the acid in our stomach would destroy most of it.

That’s what makes Liposomal Glutathione unique.

The supplement packages the antioxidant in a fat-like molecule that allows it to absorb better and is far less invasive than the injections offered at some clinics.

All those with multiple system atrophy (MSA), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and those diagnosed with Parkinson’s had substantial glutathione deficits. (3)

That’s why taking a supplement that may help reduce nerve damage and improve mobility could be a simple way to improve quality of life.

See our unique Liposomal Glutathione on this page.


Why some people live so much longer than others

The Island Where People Live Longer

It’s Baffled Many Scientists…
Some Clues Show Why These Folks Live So Long

It’s no secret that some places have lower rates of Parkinson’s, ALS, heart disease or any other illnesses we commonly associate with old age. The amazing thing is, one such place is the island of Ikaria in Greece.

It’s a place where 2.5 times as many people live past the age of 90 (compared to the USA). Not only do the people of Ikaria live longer, they also live higher quality lives with fewer incidences of dementia or other neurological disease.

According to a study conducted by the Medical School of the University of Athens, Icarians live at least until their 90th year of age.

Cardiology Research and Study

You might think it’s the simple low-stress lifestyle that helps them live so long, but most of it has to do with regular exercise and diet.

Here’s some lessons we can learn from the Ikarian people:

  • Lower intake of saturated fat from meats or dairy
  • Regular use of olive oil which helps lower cholesterol
  • Eating wild greens and other antioxidants
  • A mediterranean diet with plenty of fish, vegetables and fruit
  • An afternoon nap which has been shown to decrease stress

What’s interesting is… L-arginine – The amino acid found in food that is what allows the body to produce AKG naturally – is found in most of the foods of Ikaria!

Foods like fish, chicken, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds are all good sources of L-arginine. The sad thing is, we produce less AKG from these foods as we age. 

Countless studies have shown that AKG can help reduce symptoms associated with neurological diseases such as muscle spasms, but did you know it can also support healthy ageing? 

It’s been used to speed up wound healing times, protection for patients undergoing heart surgery and increase natural energy levels in athletes.

That’s why it’s at the core of our Core+ Blend Supplement.

Years ago, we discovered some of the supplements offering the same ingredient lacked the potency needed. We also felt there were a few other elements that would support neurological health as we age and support those struggling with some diseases.

We can’t all move to Greece, but we can definitely take some dietary, supplement and lifestyle changes to help live a better quality of life.